Friday, August 24, 2018

Father's Day 2018 @ Salem MA

Getting to spend the day with two of the four grown up kids! It was perfect weather and great day to create new memories in Salem, MA.

Hoping for Blueberries!

This guy is determined like nothing else to have a grand blueberry harvest. Most people would have quit years ago! But, not Don, he is going on at least 3 years. He has tried hanging pie plates, surrounding the bed in plastic netting, replacing the plastic netting with chicken wire and along the way buying more and more plants. It was finally discovered the rabbits were the main culprits in destroying what little growth there was. Well, they are finally able to grow but the season is late so there is always next year....stay tuned. Love this guy who doesn't give up but, methodically, finds a way! Wishing him success with his blueberries and can't wait to see the smile on his face.