Sunday, July 5, 2020

A Very Quiet Father's Day

a tribute to my Dads which seemed fitting to share this year
this year was different. The pandemic changed things. Travel was difficult, yet people felt cooped up as we were well into the 4th month of the pandemic. No celebration for Don this year. Hoping next year brings more normalcy.

card from the grandkids

Love a hardworking guy

hey.....a perfect heart. Love this man

Backyard campfire with Rosario during Pandemic

Don's youngest son's wedding

this pandemic brought many challenges with it. One was a very much anticipated wedding of Mike and Samantha. Due to the virus still be active after 5 months, travel be restricted, masks still being worn, social distancing advised,  as well as, states in different phases of opening, their wedding is pushed out a year. No worries. LOVE PREVAILS.

Don's Dad's flag

Don Howe, SR was in the service stationed in the Phillipines during WW2. He brought back this Japanese flag. Don had the flag mounted this year to display. This flag has what Don thought was Japanese writing on it. He came to discover the writing is actually Chinese. A friend of Samantha's interpreted some of the words on the flag. It is encouraging words for somebody who was going off to war.